Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Twirly Skirt

My Aunt Kapra made me a beautiful twirly skirt with frogs and witch hats!  I love it!  I wore it to school today and everybody loved it, especially my friend Christopher.  I want to marry him.  I wore my little black leggings under it because I had PE today.  That is my favorite class.  Kindergarten is so much fun.  I have art and I love to paint and draw.  I have music with Mr. Ritchie. He is so funny!  My teacher, Mrs. Williams, is really nice, too.  I learned all of my 120 sight words and I got to go on announcements!  I get to ride the bus to school with no parents!  That is crazy!  I have lots of homework, too.  It's not too hard.  I am growing up!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Decorating for School

Jordan's school is having a pumpkin decorating extravaganza.  We are supposed to decorate a pumpkin together as a family. (No carving allowed, 'cause it makes a stinky library) The pumpkins are supposed to be book characters.  Jordan wanted her book character to be Bad Kitty by Nick Breul.  

Jordan likes it best when he is making his "mad" eyes. This is how it turned out! 

Friday, October 7, 2011

This is what happens on Facebook during a Work Day?

Being home sick, I have had a chance to play around on Facebook during an average work day.  I am surprised by how many of my "working" facebook friends have time to post.  I guess having an iphone helps.  I stole this from one of my "working" ex high school band directors.  (Maybe he was home "sick" too, though I didn't ask).  This made me laugh!

Oh, and anyone who reads this has just been Rick-Rolled!!!

Banished to the Upstairs Guest Room

I have strep.  It's pretty miserable.  I used to get it every year as a child, but it has been a long time since I have gotten it as an adult.  Strange, since I come in contact with hundreds of germ-filled children, including my own child, every day!  It feels like a truck hit me, little knives are stabbing the inside of my throat, and my head is going to explode.  I also opted for the shot of antibiotics instead of pills.  Ouch!  That hurt a lot going in my upper butt cheek (the liquid is really thick and took a while going in), then she pressed on it for a while to spread it around, then I had to stay there for 15 minutes as it spread so they could make sure I was okay.  Now my lower body is really sore, too!

In order to keep my family from being infected, I have been banished to the upstairs guest room.  It is also my sewing/knitting/book room, so there is plenty to keep me occupied.  Though, all I have really felt like doing is sleeping, playing on my computer, and watching movies.  Those are things the doctor actually prescribed, including NETFLIX.  I would NEVER turn down a reason to watch Love Actually or catch up on Dr. Who! I was also told not to worry about work.  My team at school is great.  I am sure that all kinds of things are happening and falling apart, but not one of them would tell me.

I am not really sure what is going on in the rest of my house.  Blake keeps bringing me delicious chicken noodle soup.  I glimpsed Jordan yesterday before she went to school.  Blake had her dressed in a purple Halloween shirt, purple converse, and a purple head band.  Cute!  The cats keep sticking their paws under the door.  Maybe someone will bring me a pumpkin-spice latte!  Anyone?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Butterfly Exhibit

Every weekend, if you ask Jordan where she would like to go, she will say the Butterfly Museum.  (Well, now that the pools are closed.)  It may be a hassle to get over to the museum district, and it does get rather expensive, and we always have to eat at the McDonald's there; but my child being so interested in insects and science is pretty cool.   Daddy always says, "let's go!"

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!

Nuke did not enjoy his Halloween costume!
How humiliating! A mouse, really???

Monday, October 3, 2011


This was about 2 weeks ago when we had rain.  I just now uploaded the photos.  I had forgotten about these.  We were all so excited about the rain.  Blake and I were, of course, happy that our plants and grass were getting some much needed water.  Jordan was happy because she could use her umbrella.  She also was convinced that the outdoor fire ban was now up and that we could make S'Mores on our new fire pit.  Not yet, sweetie!

Sunday, October 2, 2011