Monday, March 19, 2012

Jordan's Fun Run

After one disappointing weather cancellation, Jordan's School Fun Run finally took place on Saturday, March 3rd.  I was surprised that she was so excited about it since she spent the "running" portion of her soccer games picking grass and looking for ants.  However, we paid the $5 registration and headed to the school track early on that Saturday.  She was dressed in her school shirt, leggings, and some shorty-shorts.

It was sunny out, so shades were necessary.
We started by warming up with some super stretches!

First up: Kindergarten girls 
Getting ready for signal!

Yay!  She finished the race!  Everyone got a ribbon!  I can't say that she wasn't disappointed that she didn't win, but she got over it quickly.

Race started at 12:00 p.m.  We were on our way to McDonalds at 12:10!  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

He Who Must Not Be Named Shrug

I bought some yummy yarn last summer.  I cannot speak its name.  Yes, I did purchase the yarn named after the "bad guy", but the Hero's yarn was just not that interesting.  I knew exactly which project I wanted to make and started August 9th, 2011.  SO seven months later I am finished! 

Monday, March 12, 2012

My New Nephew

John Russell Shafer was born this morning!  Lisa had a C-section, and is doing fine.  I was told that Daddy Josh is a bit dazed. The boy is big! 8 lb 10 oz!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Good Day for Chocolate Donuts

Today is a GREAT day for chocolate donuts!  Thanks again, 
MeMa Vicki, for the donut maker!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kindergarten Rodeo Day

Thought you would all like to see Jordan's fun Kindergarten Rodeo Day!  
Here are the highlights:
Jordan approves of her dress! 
Waiting for the bus with Daddy
Petting Zoo

This horse is just the right size

Horse Race

Tortilla Frisbee???

Soaring torillas

Jordan's teacher, Mrs. Williams

Cowboy dress-up relay

Potato sack race

This is fun!
Mommy and Jordan