Friday, October 7, 2011

Banished to the Upstairs Guest Room

I have strep.  It's pretty miserable.  I used to get it every year as a child, but it has been a long time since I have gotten it as an adult.  Strange, since I come in contact with hundreds of germ-filled children, including my own child, every day!  It feels like a truck hit me, little knives are stabbing the inside of my throat, and my head is going to explode.  I also opted for the shot of antibiotics instead of pills.  Ouch!  That hurt a lot going in my upper butt cheek (the liquid is really thick and took a while going in), then she pressed on it for a while to spread it around, then I had to stay there for 15 minutes as it spread so they could make sure I was okay.  Now my lower body is really sore, too!

In order to keep my family from being infected, I have been banished to the upstairs guest room.  It is also my sewing/knitting/book room, so there is plenty to keep me occupied.  Though, all I have really felt like doing is sleeping, playing on my computer, and watching movies.  Those are things the doctor actually prescribed, including NETFLIX.  I would NEVER turn down a reason to watch Love Actually or catch up on Dr. Who! I was also told not to worry about work.  My team at school is great.  I am sure that all kinds of things are happening and falling apart, but not one of them would tell me.

I am not really sure what is going on in the rest of my house.  Blake keeps bringing me delicious chicken noodle soup.  I glimpsed Jordan yesterday before she went to school.  Blake had her dressed in a purple Halloween shirt, purple converse, and a purple head band.  Cute!  The cats keep sticking their paws under the door.  Maybe someone will bring me a pumpkin-spice latte!  Anyone?

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