Jordan and Daddy took off one evening after dinner. Apparently it was absolutely necessary to go to Petsmart. They returned a little while later with some catnip and a tray of funny looking seeds to grow some grass. This happened to be SPECIAL grass only for the cats because sometimes they need to chew on it. Jordan has been reading up on cats. Reading A LOT about cats. She especially likes little fun facts about cats. For example, they land on their feet, they sharpen the outer layer of their claws off, they are born with their eyes shut. These are fascinating to her. She had a recent conversation with Daddy about the fact that they will sometimes chew on grass. See project below:

First we poured 1 1/2 cups of water on the seeds. Then we placed the seeds up in a window to get light for several days.
Then each morning we checked on the progress.In about a week, we had nice, long grass! Perfect for a hungry cat.
Jordan's project was a success! Crash quickly sampled the luscious grass! Now the REAL wait begins... What are we waiting for? Well, Jordan really wants to see one of the cats get a tummy ache and throw up the grass because Daddy told her that it happens sometimes. Nice. I can't wait either.
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